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Rwanda (Bradt Travel Guide), by Philip Briggs
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The excellent Bradt Guide to Rwanda includes detailed sections on the national parks. (The Sunday Telegraph)Rwanda is excellent; it captures the mood of the place and gives a positive and accurate account of a fantastic country (Art of Travel)This guide . gives the prospective visitor real and detailed insights into the country, its people, history, flora and fauna. Even if you end up never going to Rwanda, you will feel you know the place quite intimately by the time you get to the final page. (Wildside)At last, a well-written and dedicated guide to Rwanda. (Footprints)Rwanda is an excellent book that I have recommended to all the visitors who come to Rwanda. This guide presents a clear and balanced overview of events in Rwanda's recent past.The book also describes the charm and attraction that make this country so different. (Dr Annette Lanjouw, Director of the International Gorilla Conservation Programme)Recommended reading. (Conde Nast Traveller Magazine)
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About the Author
Philip Briggs is the world's leading writer of guidebooks to and about Africa. He has been exploring the continent for 30 years.This edition has been updated by Sean Connolly. Raised in Chicago and educated in New York, Sean is a full-time culture fiend (read: anthropology graduate) and stays on the move whenever possible. He has been an English teacher in Somaliland, a student in Ghana, a writer in Mozambique, and a backpacker across much of the African continent.
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Product details
Series: Bradt Travel Guide
Paperback: 328 pages
Publisher: Bradt Travel Guides; 6th edition edition (February 7, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1841629278
ISBN-13: 978-1841629278
Product Dimensions:
5.3 x 0.6 x 8.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
6 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#448,001 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I used the Ethiopia and Rwanda Bradt guides for my recent trip to East Africa. I honestly had not seen a Bradt guide for years before this, but I was pretty impressed by the level of detail and important "good to know" information that can make or break a trip, especially history and culture. If you are going to spend your time on a basic short itinerary like a Kigali city tour and gorilla trekking, I would not bother with this guide - you won't need it! However, if you are planning to get a more detailed feel for Kigali (different walks and markets are described) or really get out of the city to visit places like genocide churches or Lake Kivu, then this guide will be useful, because internet resources for Rwanda travel are terrible - this print guide is essential for both planning and taking on the road. One piece of advice was odd - it said a flight booking might get cancelled/bumped if you don't confirm it with an agent/airline a few days before. I asked a handful of people about this and they said it was unnecessary.
Excellent travel guide to Rwanda!
Excellent guide.
great book!
Very helpful for our trip to Rwanda.
I am starting to find less and less use of these books :(
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